
This study aims to determine the Community's perception of the sustainability of resource use in Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, West Java, 2022. The method used in this research is a survey method. The sampling technique used Accidental Sampling with a total of 50 respondents. Data collection use questionnaires and documentation techniques. Then the data was processed use the chi square method. The results showed that the sustainability of coastal resources in the Pangandaran District was classified as moderate, with a percentage of 48%. The factors that support the sustainable use of coastal resources include economic factors that have a calculated chi-square value of 15,089. Then, social factors have a calculated chi-square value that is 18, 163. Environmental factors also have a significant influence, namely by value. The calculated chi-square value obtained is 16,322 . These tree factor have degrees of freedom (df) = 6 where the chi-square tabel is 12,592. So as for decision making in the research method, it can be said that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that there is a relationship between coastal resources and economic, social and environmental factors. Other factors that affect sustainability are government policy information obtained by the Community and community understanding of the sustainable use of coastal resources. The results of the sustainable use of coastal resources will be correlated with applicable government regulations including related factors.

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