Prenatal screening (PNS) for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) offers a potential avenue for informed reproductive choices and the sickle elimination initiative of the Government of India. The objective of the study was to explore perceptions and ethical dilemmas surrounding prenatal screening for sickle cell disease and subsequent termination of pregnancy among pregnant women and key stakeholders from the tribal region of Gujarat. The study employed sequential mixed-methods research, embedding a participatory research approach. Pregnant women and key stakeholders from Jhaghadia, Bharuch District of Gujarat were interviewed. The qualitative data was analyzed using a thematic analytic framework, and the quantitative data was presented with descriptive statistics. Findings revealed key themes such as knowledge about SCD and its management, knowledge about PNS, barriers to PNS, acceptance of PNS and ethical dilemmas related to the termination of pregnancy (TOP). The results show a mixed preference for prenatal screening from both qualitative and quantitative data, primarily due to the complex decision-making process. Couples with SCD reported a high preference for PNS and TOP if the foetus had sickle cell disease whereas couples living with SCD trait were assigned lowest priority and preference to under-go PNS and TOP. Decisions were influenced by limited knowledge, lack of lived experience of SCD, family pressure, cultural and religious beliefs, and social stigma. A comprehensive behaviour change communication strategies that empower couples and key stakeholders through culturally sensitive SCD & PNS literacy, and genetic counselling is essential to promote informed decision-making within the cultural context of tribal communities.
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