
The article deals with a brief historical excursion on the formation and development of forensic activity in Ukraine. In particular, the coverage of forensic expert activities in the press, starting with the establishment of the Cabinet of Scientific and Forensic Expertise at the Prosecutor’s Chamber of Justice of Kyiv in the years 1914-1915. The article based on archival materials, namely, newspapers and other constituent documents of the Cabinet of Scientific and Forensic Expertise, analyzes the public perception of the emergence of forensic science, its capabilities, and describes the main stages of forensic science. It was noted that the press of that time described the importance and significance of the appearance of a forensic examination, indicated the main types of research conducted, explained the features of the work of forensic experts. Also in the articles of newspapers and magazines of that time revealed the transformations that took place in expert institutions, the increase in the number of expert studies conducted, the increase in the number of forensic areas in which expertise was carried out, and were highlighted the increase in requirements for the qualifications of experts related to the challenges of time. The article also indicates that at crucial points in the history of Ukraine the development of forensic science and the expertise continued, moreover, the activities of experts became more active, especially during the Ukrainian People’s Republic as well as after the events of 1917. However, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, the press of that time very rarely wrote about forensic activities, very often were only comments on the theory and practice of criminalistics. Key words: forensic expert activity, forensic expert, mass media, Cabinets of forensic expertise.

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