
Advanced practice nursing education includes a minimum of 500 hours of supervised clinical practicum, with practicing clinicians serving as preceptors providing the bulk of the supervision. Preceptor behaviors and teaching skills can significantly impact student learning, however, no empirical evidence exists that identifies or evaluates effective clinical teaching characteristics in clinical nurse specialist (CNS) preceptors. The purpose of this study was to explore and compare CNS student and preceptor perceptions of the importance of clinical teaching characteristics in CNS preceptors. Data was obtained from CNS preceptors (n = 278) and CNS students (n = 78) through a web-based questionnaire instrument. Twenty-one previously identified effective clinical teaching characteristics served as the questionnaire items and participants were asked to rate their importance and identify the most and least important characteristic. Statistical tests including calculation of mean scores and independent t-tests for each characteristic were completed. The CNS preceptors and students rated all effective teaching characteristics as important. Clinical competence/judgment was identified as the most important characteristic among participants. The findings demonstrated congruence between students' and preceptors' ratings except for the characteristics calm during times of stress and flexibility. These findings can help CNS faculty and practicing CNSs better prepare and evaluate preceptors for supporting advanced practice students in clinical practicum experiences.

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