
Student learning outcomes in social studies in Class XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin Public Vocational School are still low. The low student learning outcomes allegedly due to lack of variety of learning methods used by teachers. The purpose of this studied is to describe whether there are comparisons of Problem Based Learning type cooperative learning methods with conventional methods on integrated social studies learning outcomes of class XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin. This research is a quantitative research with experimental research type. The population of this studied was all students of class XII. The sample of this studied was class XII TSM as a control class, and class XII TKJ as an experimental class. The sampling technique is by looked at the lowest indigo of the two classes. The research instrument uses written test techniques in the form of essays to obtain learning outcomes data. Data processing techniques used the formula t. Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted on the final test with an average value in the experimental class using the Problem Based Learning method of 78.61 and in the control class used the conventional learning method of 63.05. From the calculated of tcount = 2.359 then compared with ttable at the 0.05 significance level obtained ttable = 2.042 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Namely there are differences in social studies learning outcomes used the Problem Based Learning method and the conventional method.


  • ABSTRACTT Student learning outcomes in social studies in Class XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin Public Vocational School are still low

  • The low student learning outcomes allegedly due to lack of variety of learning methods used by teachers

  • This research is a quantitative research with experimental research type

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ABSTRAK Hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPS di Kelas XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin masih rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendekripsikan apakah terdapat perbandingan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Problem Based Learning dengan metode konvensional terhadap hasil belajar IPS terpadu kelas XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin. Dalam menentukan berhasil atau tidaknya proses pendidikan, guru harus mampu menentukan metode pembelajaran yang sesuaii dengan minat dan dapat menarik perhatian siswa. Dengan mengetahuii metode pembelajaran sehingga memungkinkan dapat mengurangi masalah yang berkenaan dengan jalannya suatu pengajaran, serta dapat memecahkan berbagai kesulitan dalam menyampaikan materi dan mampu menarik perhatian dari siswa yang memiliki beragam karakter. Dari hasil ulangan harian siswa kelas XII SMK Negeri 10 Merangin, masih banyak siswa yang belum mampu mencapaii kriteria ketuntasan minimall (KKM) yang telahiditetapkan yaitu sebesar 75. Berdasarkan fenomena atau kejadian di atas, maka peneliti tertarik menuliskannya dalam sebuah karya ilmiah judul: “Perbandingan Metode

Konvensional Terhadap Hasil Belajar
Based Learning
Tuntas Tidak Tuntas
Hasil uji homogenitas diperoleh nilai
Keputusan memenuhi prasyarat berdistribusi normal
Kelas Eksperimen
Pembahasan Metode pembelajaran Problem
Pendekatan Problem Based
Kementerian Pendidikan Dan
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