
The existence of school's website is a necessity that can not be avoided anymore. School's website is very useful as one of online learning and information presenting medium and also as a prerequisite for some inter-schools competition. Without the school's website, a school can not be a winner in a particular competition, like "Fund Management of School Operation Assistance". This situation has been experienced by the State Elementary School 103 Sinjai which failed to get the championdue to unavailability of the school website. This research aims to design a school website for the State Elementary School 103 Sinjai. The website that will be created uses PHP and MySQL-based CMS. Content and features of the website is created as the result of interviews with school's parties. The collecting of data was done by observation, documentation, and literature study. The softwares that used were Xampp, Dreamweaver Macromedia, one of isntallation package of PHP, Apache web server, and MySQL, as well as Research and Development's CMS. After installation of the softwares and Research and Development's CMs was completed, it was followed by adjustment of website content by logging in to the admin page. The created website has domain link as follows : http://sdn103sinjai.sch.id which has been published since the beginning of May 2016 and has been used by school parties in providing information about the various (all sort of) school activities.


  • Keberadaan website sekolah merupakan kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dihindari lagi

  • a school can not be a winner in a particular competition

  • This situation has been experienced by the State Elementary School 103 Sinjai

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Penelitian ini dirancang dengan tujuan membangun sebuah website di SDN 103 Kabupaten Sinjai. Kebutuhan akan website di sekolah-sekolah yang dapat menampilkan berbagai informasi tentang sekolah, pendidikan, kegiatan-kegiatan sekolah, serta berbagai artikel pengetahuan, dan lain-lain menjadi sangat penting sehingga tidak salah jika pihak Dinas Pendidikan telah menjadikan kepemilikan ”website” sebagai salah satu syarat menjadi pemenang dalam beberapa kegiatan lomba antar sekolah. Website sekolah yang akan dibuat menggunakan CMS (Content Management System) berbasis PHP dan MySQL. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana cara membangun sebuah “website sekolah”. Pada SDN 103 Sinjai yang bisa bermanfaat sebagai sarana pembelajaran online dan penyajian informasi dengan menggunakan CMS. Beberapa penelitian yang berhubungan dengan “website sekolah” diantaranya Pembuatan website resmi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 3 Madiun oleh Septian Dwi Saputra Program D3 Ilmu Komputer Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2010

Pengertian CMS CMS adalah singkatan dari Content Management
Sekilas tentang MySQL
Metode Penelitian
Instalasi Web Sekolah
Unit PC Calon Server Web
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