
vanilla. The Milk Café was founded in 2015 which currently has 3 branches and 5 franchises in various cities in Central Java and D.I. Yogyakarta and many more. the milk café owner has plans to open a new café branch. The milk café owner does not yet have the right method for determining location selection recommendations. Currently, café owners only conduct surveys and then choose locations that they think are appropriate based on several criteria so that café owners are often hesitant in determining the right location. Choosing an improper business location can cause bankruptcy or failure to run a business. This study aims to find out how the AHP method is able to provide problem solving solutions in the selection of locations in the expansion of the café business. And how to build a decision support system application AHP method. The data used are location data to conduct a feasibility survey based on criteria data to locations that have been determined by the team leader, where the criteria for determining new cafes are strategic locations, market share, competitors, rental prices and area size ... results from AHP calculations for expansion of the café is that it can be concluded that the alternative location of Jl. Sultan Syahrir Surakarta was stated as the most suitable location to be chosen as the location of the new branch of The Milk Café with the highest weighting value of 0.235. While the least recommended alternative locations are Jl. Adi Soemarmo with the least total weight is 0.153.


  • The Milk Café is a business in the field of milk concoctions with appetizing flavors like chocolate, strawberry, greentea, vanilla

  • This study aims to find out how the Analytical Hierarki Process (AHP) method is able to provide problem solving solutions in the selection of locations in the expansion of the café business

  • Jurnal Management Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi, 11(3), 287–301

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Metode Penelitian

The Milk Café adalah sebuah usaha dibidang racikan 2.1 Tahapan Penelitian susu dengan rasa yang menggugah selera seperi, coklat, strawberry, greentea, vanilla. Setelah didapatkan satu metode dalam sistem pengambilan keputusan hasil dari perhitungan AHP digunakan sebagai kriteria adalah Analytical Hierarki Process (AHP). Yang akan menguraikan masalah multi faktor atau multi kriteria yang kompleks menjadi suatu hirarki untuk 2.2 Metode Pengumpulan Data membantu pengambilan keputusan dalam situasi yang Tahapan penelitian kajian tentang penerapan metode semi terstruktur dan situasi yang tidak terstruktur, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dalam dimana tidak seorangpun tahu secara pasti bagaimana pemilihan lokasi dalam perlusaan Cafe di café milk keputusan dibuat[2]. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) dengan tentang Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Metode memanfaatkan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process penelitian, AHP, dan jurnal-jurnal yang akan (AHP) sebagai proses dalam pemilihan Cafe terbaik. Pada tahap ini dilakukan penganalisaan metode sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan kriteria dan data lokasi. Adapun dengan rumus: tahapan metode AHP [7][8][9] untuk menentukan lokasi café adalah: CR=CI/IR (1.3)

Membuat struktur hierarki yang diawali dengan
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Mengecek Nilai CR
Melakukan Perbandingan Antar alternatif
Perancangan Sistem
Dari hasil perhitungan sistem pendukung keputusan
Halaman Perhitungan
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