
One of the success of village development is influenced by the role of the Village Head, thus the role of the Village Head becomes very important in the village development process in order to facilitate development and increase community awareness to participate in village development in relation to the Tanjung Batu Kecil Village, Buru District, Based on the results of the initial survey, the researchers found phenomena that: first, until now there has been no concept / model of village development that can be an optimal solution in efforts to reduce poverty in the village. Second, the village development that is carried out is sectoral, which will only provide partial solutions as well and with a temporary time, so there is no guarantee of the continuity of the development program. Third, the human resources in the village, both the apparatus and the community, have contributed greatly to the slowing of various efforts to implement village development itself, limited funding sources. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research type. The details of the informants used in this research are as follows: Village Head 1 person, Village Secretary and Village Apparatus 4 people, Head Guard 2 people. The role of the village head as a mobilizer Ie the village head to move or invite the community to jointly take concrete actions to develop the village. In increasing public awareness to participate in an activity, there are various ways in which the village government has done all this in order to expedite the implementation of development in the Village and so that the residents of Tanjung Batu Kecil Village are accustomed to positive village activities

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