
This research was conducted with the aim of measuring and testing the effect of brand image on brand loyalty with brand trust as a mediator. One hundred badminton players using Shuttlecock Pastra were used as samples, the method used was purposive sampling. The study was conducted in Denpasar City and distributed questionnaires to prospective respondents as many as 100 people selected through a purposive sampling technique. Path analysis techniques and sobel tests are used to analyze data. After investigating, it was found that brand image variables had a positive and significant effect on brand trust variables, brand image variables had a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty variables, brand trust variables had a positive effect that was also significant for brand loyalty variables and brand trust variables were able to mediate the influence of brand image on brand loyalty shuttlecock Pastra.
 Keywords: brand image, shutllecock, brand trust, Pastra, brand loyalty


  • This research was conducted with the aim

  • One hundred badminton players using Shuttlecock Pastra were used as samples

  • The study was conducted in Denpasar City

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Wayan Govinda Gotama Putra1 Eka Sulistyawati2

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengukur dan menguji pengaruh brand image terhadap brand loyalty dengan brand trust sebagai pemediasi. Seratus pemain bulutangkis yang menggunakan shuttlecock Pastra dijadikan sebagai sampel, metode yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Denpasar dan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada calon responden sebanyak 100 orang terpilih melalui teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis jalur serta uji sobel dogunakan untuk menganalisis data. Setelah diteliti didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel brand image berpengaruh secara positif dan juga signifikan terhadap variable brand trust, variabel brand image berpengaruh secara positif serta signifikan terhadap variabel brand loyalty, variabel brand trust berpengaruh secara positif yang juga signifikan terhadap variabel brand loyalty dan variabel brand trust mampu menjadi pemediasi pengaruh brand image terhadap variable brand loyalty shuttlecock Pastra. Kata kunci: brand image, shuttlecock, brand loyalty, Pastra, brand trust

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