
The high incidence of the spread of the covid-19 virus has caused very high fear for the entire world community, especially those of us who live in Indonesia, the Corona Virus, which we know as Covid-19, was first discovered in Wuhan China, at the end of December 2019. Covid disease -19 is most contagious when the person suffering from it has symptoms, although the spread may occur before symptoms appear (Rothan, 2020). Covid-19 cases in Indonesia have increased every day based on data obtained from Deti Mega Purnamasari through kompas.com until April 15, 2020, there were 5,136 positive cases of covid-19. The positive number of Covid-19 in East Java, especially Magetan Regency, continues to increase. Magetan Regency is in 30th place compared to other districts / cities in East Java with an upward trend in the epidemic. Almost all areas in Magetan Regency have contracted this virus, one of which is Desa Mangunrejo, Kawedanan District, Magetan Regency. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge about how to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus for the general public, especially in Mangunrejo Village. The method of implementing this community service is providing health education about symptoms, ways of transmission and prevention of Covid-19. The result increases the knowledge of the people of Mangunrejo Village, Magetan Regency. Keywords: Counseling, Covid-19, Poster


  • who live in Indonesia

  • we know as Covid-19

  • when the person suffering from it has symptoms

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Dunia saat ini tengah waspada dengan penyebaran sebuah virus yang dikenal dengan virus corona. Penggunaan masker di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk memproteksi diri dan juga orang lain dari risiko penularan virus ini (Sari D.P, 2020).Tanda dan Gejala infeksi COVID-19 yaitu batuk, demam, letih, sesak nafas, dan tidak nafsu makan. Hal ini beda dengan infeksi virus influenza, virus corona dapat berkembang biak secara cepat sehingga menyebabkan keparahan, gagal organ, dan kematian, keadaan darurat kesehatan ini terjadi pada pasien yang memiliki riwayat penyakit sebelumnya. Salah satu cara preventif yaitu dengan melakukan kegiatan promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan melalui sosialisasi, edukasi, dan penggunaan berbagai media informasi untuk memberikan pemahaman terkait bahaya dan penularan Covid-19 (Kemenkes, 2020). Promosi kesehatan dengan media poster ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan menumbuhkan kesadaran bagi masyarakat untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan sebagai upaya mencegah COVID-19 (Suhadi, dkk, 2020)

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