
This study aims to determine the background of the closure of localization in the area of ​​Dorokandang Village, Lasem District, Rembang Regency. The dominant factors towards the closure of localization in Dorokandang Village are important to note given that so far the existence of localization in the middle of the community always reaped various pros and cons. The decision to close the localization was carried out by the Dorokandang Village government in order to deal with social problems in the form of prostitution or prostitution in the region. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The results of the study show that the background of the closure of localization in Dorokandang Village is based on several factors including moral, social and economic considerations. The hope of the Dorokandang village government with the closure of the localization was the cooperation of both the local village community, the Rembang Regency government and the Satpol PP in the supervision of the ex-localization area so that the practice of prostitution in the area would not occur in secret.


  • E Dorokandang Village government in order to deal with social problems in the form of prostitution or prostitution in the region

  • This study aims to determine the background of the closure of localization in the area of Dorokandang Village, Lasem District, Rembang Regency

  • The decision to close the localization was carried out by the Dorokandang Village government in order to deal with social problems in the form of prostitution or prostitution in the region

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Data terbaru

Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) sampai dengan tahun 2017, Kemensos berhasil mendukung penutupan lokalisasi dengan merehabilitasi dan memulangkan. Dari jumlah 168 , yang sudah ditutup berjumlah 118 lokalisasi dan saat ini tersisa 41 lokalisasi yang belum ditutup. Penutupan lokalisasi dengan support anggaran dari Kementerian Sosial berjumlah 66 lokalisasi sedangkan dukungan dari APBD berjumlah 52 lokalisasi. Penutupan lokalisasi tersebut sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan program “2019. Terkait dengan penutupan lokalisasi dalam rangka penanganan masalah sosial, pemerintah Desa

Dorokandang Kecamatan Lasem
Secara umum kondisi perekonomian
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