
Construction on soft soil, often creates problems. The Semarang North Ring Bridge and Kali Jajar Bridge are the Recent soft Marine Alluvium zones located in the Pantura area which have very soft soil characteristics with a depth of more than -30.0 meters this has resulted in a very large settlement due to very small grains, flood, rob, pore water pressure increases so that the shear strength of the soil will be small, the compression is large and the permeability coefficient is small so that if the construction load exceeds the critical bearing capacity, the damage to the foundation soil will occur. To get the increase in soil bearing capacity, it can be achieved by changing the properties of the soil from the shear angle (f), cohesion (c) and unit weight (g). The settlement can be reduced by increasing the cavity density from the compression of the soil particles (Wesley, 1977). Soil improvement takes a long time, aiming to increase shear resistance so that it requires a fast time in this case is to use Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drain (Bowles 1981). The results of the analysis of the pattern of decline and the effectiveness of the use of PVD (pre-fabricated vertical drain) at the Oprit Bridge in the two research locations have the same decrease in the range of the same heap height at (H = 4 meters) there is a decrease of 117.53 cm at 64 months on the bridge. Kali Jajar (STA. 3 + 200) and there was a decrease of 268.94 cm at 37 months at the Semarang North Ring Bridge

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