
The problems in today's learning are low competence and the lack of the ability of teachers to use media in learning and collaborating with other media. In the process of learning the Qur'an Hadith, teachers are still dominant using conventional/traditional media such as markers, blackboards, textbooks, papers, and teachers only read while students imitate so that it leads to low student learning outcomes towards mastery of recitation. This study is intended to determine the competence of teachers in utilizing learning media and collaborating between conventional/traditional media with modern applications of recitation in Balai Diklat. This study uses a qualitative approach/method with a descriptive type. The technique of data collection is by interview, observation, and documentation, while the data analysis techniques are carried out in the phase of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that, almost all the teachers in the Al-Qur'an hadith learning material Tajwid Sciences still used conventional media. Second, teacher competency in the Education and Training Center in learning is more improved and the learning process is more interesting with the collaboration of conventional media and modern media applications of recitation science. Conclusion: Nowadays in the learning process the teacher is still dominant using conventional learning media compared to modern media, the learning process is more interesting and the results are even more increased if the teacher collaborates conventional media with modern learning media, namely the Tajwid science application.


  • PENDAHULUAN Guru memegang peran penting dalam menyukseskan keberhasilan pendidikan peserta didik

  • In the process of learning the Qur'an Hadith, teachers are still dominant using conventional / traditional media such as: markers, blackboards, textbooks, papers and teachers only read while students imitate so that it leads to low student learning outcomes towards mastery of recitation

  • This study is intended to determine the competence of teachers in utilizing learning media and collaborating between conventional / traditional media with modern applications of recitation in Balai Diklat

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Buku Tulis

Berdasarkan tabel di atas, menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadis, umumnya peserta masih menggunakan media pembelajaran manual, tak seorangpun dari peserta diklat menggunakan media modern/manual sehingga dapat memudahkan mereka dalam menyelesaikan tugas kelompoknya. Berdasarkan deskripsi wawancara tersebut dengan beberapa orang peserta diklat dan hasil observasi dalam proses pembelajaran, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh para peserta diklat masih berbentuk media tradisional, yaitu buku paket siswa, buku pegangan guru, papan tulis, spidol, pulpen dan penghapus, belum menggunakan media digital modern. Salah seorang guru yang penulis wawancarai mengatakan bawha: pada dasarnya kami belum mampu menggunakan media modern dalam pembelajaran Al-Qur’an hadis terumata pada materi ilmu Tajwid, sehingga dengan adanya diklat ini, kami sangat terkesan dan dapat menambah wawasan kami bahwa ternyata dalam mencari dan menyelasaikan kasus dalam ilmu mawaris ada media khusus, sebagaimana dijelaskan yaitu aplikasi digital ilmu tajwid. Dari hasil wawancara tersebut serta penulis observasi langsung di kelompok diskusi, dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa pada peserta diklat Al-Qur’an Hadis sudah menunjukkan kemajuan dalam mengkolaborasikan media pembelajaran manual dengan media aplikasi modern yaitu Aplikasi ilmu tajwid.

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