
Science learning in the independent curriculum can provide 6C skills that must be possessed by 21st century students to realize the Pancasila student profile. However, the reality shows that science learning has not been integrated according to the standard objectives of the independent curriculum. This research is motivated by the low science learning outcomes caused by learning activities that are still teacher centered, resulting in less skilled and active students in learning. The solution to these problems is by conducting problem-based learning research. This study aims to improve learning outcomes through the PBL model of the Natural Sciences subject matter of energy transformation. The research subjects were fourth grade students including 6 boys and 16 girls at SDN 2 Girimoyo Malang. The method used in this research is a lesson study-based classroom action research method with two research cycles each consisting of a plan, do, see plot. The data collection method of this study used observation sheet instruments, interview activities, and test sheets given to students. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive. The results of this study are very comprehensive above the KKM, namely in the first cycle obtaining an average classical completeness score of 86.95 and the second cycle with a classical completeness learning result of 89.63. This proves that the implementation of problem based learning can provide a significant increase in student learning outcomes.

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