
British Journal of Hospital MedicineVol. 75, No. Sup7 What You Need To Know AboutPenicillin allergy diagnosis and desensitizationIman Nasr, Ignatius Chua, Saima Alam, Giuseppina Rotiroti, Miguel Blanca, Joanna LukawskaIman NasrSearch for more papers by this author, Ignatius ChuaSearch for more papers by this author, Saima AlamSearch for more papers by this author, Giuseppina RotirotiSearch for more papers by this author, Miguel BlancaSearch for more papers by this author, Joanna LukawskaSearch for more papers by this authorIman Nasr; Ignatius Chua; Saima Alam; Giuseppina Rotiroti; Miguel Blanca; Joanna LukawskaPublished Online:4 Jul 2014https://doi.org/10.12968/hmed.2014.75.Sup7.C98AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InEmail View article References Antunez C, Blanca-Lopez N, Torres MJ et al. 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