
lasting impact on the child's life. Parenting is a process of internalizing the values of life and character to children. Parenting implications will be reflected in the child's character in the future. The weak character of today's children, which is often exposed by the media, is certainly part of the impact of parenting. Muslims have a parenting pattern that is believed to be comprehensive parenting, known as prophetic parenting. Prophetic parenting is a parenting pattern that is abstracted from the values taught by the Prophet. There are five parenting concepts taught by the Prophet, namely: qudwah hasanah (good example), mauidzah hasanah (good advice), al-'adah (habituation), al-mulahadzah (care), uqubah wa kataah (proportionate). This Community Service Program (PKM) provides reinforcement to parents about this parenting. The method used is tabligh (counseling and recitation) at women's meetings, recitation at the Al-Hikmah prayer room. So that through two meetings at the Taklim Mushollah Al-hikmah assembly it can be understood for majlis mothers in the role of a mother raising children in the implementation of Rasulullah SAW's parenting style.

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