
This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes of fifth grade elementary school 05 Air Tawar Barat with a Contextual Teaching And Learning approach. This research is a classroom action research consisting of II cycles with research subjects of fifth grade students The results of the study occurred an increase in each variable in each cycle, where: a) planning the first cycle of 82.14 increased in the second cycle 92.85, b) the implementation of aspects of the first cycle teacher 80.35 increased in the second cycle 92.85, c) the implementation of aspects of the first cycle students 71.42 increased in the second cycle 89.28, d) the learning outcomes of the first cycle students 77.70 increased in the second cycle 88.08. The Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach is proven to be able to improve the quality of Mathematics learning in fifth grade SD Negeri 05 Air Tawar Barat.Keywords: CTL, learning outcomes, Mathematics


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika kelas V SDN 05 Air Tawar Barat dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning

  • This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes of fifth grade elementary school 05 Air Tawar Barat with a Contextual Teaching And Learning approach

  • This research is a classroom action research consisting of II cycles with research subjects of fifth grade students The results of the study occurred an increase in each variable in each cycle, where: a) planning the first cycle of 82.14 increased in the second cycle 92.85, b) the implementation of aspects of the first cycle teacher 80.35 increased in the second cycle 92.85, c) the implementation of aspects of the first cycle students 71.42 increased in the second cycle 89.28, d) the learning outcomes of the first cycle students 77.70 increased in the second cycle 88.08

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METODE PENELITIAN Tempat penelitian adalah SD

Negeri 05 Air Tawar Baratr pada semester ganjil 2018/2019. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas V SD Negeri 05 Air Tawar Barat sebanyak 34 orang adalah. Penelitian ini adalah PTK dan dilaksanakan dua siklus. Perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu: Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) serta media pembelajaran. Lembar observasi berisi data yang didapat dari pengamatan aktivas pembelajaran. Lembar ini akan disusun sesuai dengan pendekatan CTL yang akan digunakan. Tes ini berupa soal matematika yang diberikan di akhir siklus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan: Observasi menggunakan instrumen lembar aktivitas guru dan siswa dengan langkah dari pendekatan CTL. Dokumetasi berupa pengambilan foto dibantu teman sejawat. Ketercapaian siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran dilihat dari hasil yang dilakukan pada akhir siklus

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