
BBMKG Region II as one of the hall that leads the charge of meteorological observation stations, climatology, and geophysics 3 (three) islands in Indonesia, namely, the island of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan have assets in the form of data observation stations whose numbers more or less there are tens of thousands of data. Because the existing data in the form of union-hour data. CLIMATE database management in the Region II BBMKG already computerized in terms of data input lawyer-station observations, climate data, and preparing reports of activities. But the application still has a shortage of them each application is not integrated with each other. Therefore, the authors propose the development of the Climate Data Management System Web-based that can overcome the problems found in previous systems. Development undertaken on Climate Data Management System is integrated between the observation station data, climate data such as data on wind, temperature, humidity, air pressure, radiation, and rainfall, as well as the ease and accuracy in getting the information that availability of the complete report , and applications that can be accessed at the same time. In developing this system, the author uses Waterfall methodology (linear sequence) as the flow of system development. And Unified Modelling Language (UML) as a tool in the analysis and design. Climatic Data Management System has been tested menggunkan testing method with the software black box testing approach and produces results accordingly. The expectation, this research can help BBMKG Sub Area II, especially in the Data Management field observation data management stations that better climate data and laporanpun can be optimized and the activities of employees in managing the data from observation stations can be more effective and efficient in providing information accurate. Keywords : Data Iklim, Angin, Curah Hujan, Kelembapan, Lama Penyinaran, Suhu, Tekanan Udara, BBMKG , Meterologi, Geofisika, Klimatologi, Object Relational, Web, Waterfall (Sequence Linear), Unified Modelling Language (UML), Black box.

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