
Community service is an effort to disseminate science, technology and art to society. These activities must be able to provide an added value for the community, both in economic activities, policies, and changes in (social) behavior. The goal of community service activities in Farmers Village, Bathin Solapan District is that the community can play an active role in optimizing existing waste banks in order to form a good waste management system, improving the clean culture and economy of the community. The community can take advantage of the organic waste collected from each resident's house which is submitted directly to the waste bank for the composting process. The level of achievement of the program targets carried out in the farmer village of the Inner Solapan sub-district is very good and right on target, this is based on the enthusiasm of the community and the spiritual (adat) chairman in seeing the training process for processing organic waste into compost using a composter drum that has been prepared by the service team riau university and riau university students. Drum composter is an effective compost processing method for the community in Desa Petani, Kecamatan Bathin Solapan, on a household scale. Analysis of the development of a composting system through a waste bank in a farmer village, in the sub-district of Inner Solapan aims for the community to play an active role in optimizing existing waste banks to form a good waste management system.


  • Community service is an effort to disseminate science, technology and art to society

  • The goal of community service activities in Farmers Village, Bathin Solapan District is that the community can play an active role in optimizing existing waste banks in order to form a good waste management system, improving the clean culture and economy of the community

  • The community can take advantage of the organic waste collected from each resident's house which is submitted directly to the waste bank for the composting process

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Sosialisasi Kegiatan

Sosialisasi dilakukan untuk memberikan pengenalan tentang sistem komposting kepada masyarakat Kecamatan Bathin Solapan. Informasi yang disampaikan tentang pengertian, alur pengelolaan sampah, proses komposting, serta manfaat komposting untuk pertanian masyarakat. 2. Pembentukan tim pengelolaan sampah perwakilan kelurahan Pembentukan tim pengelolaan sampah di kelurahan dilakukan melalui diskusi/rembuk warga dengan pihak pemerintah kelurahan. 3. Pemilihan dan persiapan lokasi Pemilihan lokasi pusat pengelolaan sampah dilakukan untuk mendukung pusat pengolahan limbah dengan metode komposting. Secara umum komponen yang perlu dipertimbangkan dan dipersiapkan adalah sebagai berikut: Tabel 1.

Kelembagaan 7 Kapasitas pengelolaan sampah
Peralatan komposting
Gambaran umum masyarakat sasaran
Tingkat ketercapaian sasaran program
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