
This development research refers to several analyzes carried out, namely performance analysis in learning, student analysis, which is a study of student characteristics based on knowledge, skills, and development. Analysis of facts, concepts, principles and needs based on current problems, namely learning from home caused by the covid-19 pandemic which requires learning media. Learning media that can meet today's learning needs are chemistry E-magazines that can be accessed anytime and anywhere with valid, practical, and effective criteria. The e-magazine is then validated first by the supervisor and three material validators and media validators. After the e-magazine is said to be valid, it is tested in learning. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). After going through the stages of analysis, design, and development of a valid E-Magazine, it was first tested on a small group (initial field trial) and revised. After the initial revision, it was re-tested to a large group (main field trial) to see the effectiveness and practicality of the E-Magazine. The sample in this study were students of class X MIA 2 The initial field trial class amounted to 9 students and Class X MIA 3 as the main field trial class amounted to 30 students at the implementation stage of ADDIE with the object of research namely E-Magazine Reaction Reduction and Oxidation that has been developed. Collecting data using instruments in the form of observation sheets, questionnaires for assessment of material experts, media experts, teachers and students. Qualitative data analysis using a Likert scale and quantitatively based on the Post Test scores of students' learning outcomes. The results of the development obtained that the E-Magazine profile of Reduction and Oxidation Reactions met the validity criteria, showing 1.00 (very high criteria) in terms of questionnaire responses from media experts and material experts. The results of the practicality analysis in terms of the teacher and student response questionnaires obtained each percentage of 90.90% (very practical criteria) for the teacher's response to the initial field trial and 95.45% (very practical criteria) for the main field trial. In the questionnaire responses, students each obtained a percentage of 79.75% (practical criteria) for the initial field trial and 85.50% (very practical criteria) for the main field trial and the results of the effectiveness analysis based on the students' completeness in the post test. obtained a percentage of 79.75% for the initial field trial and the main field trial obtained a percentage of 86.67%. Thus, it can be concluded that the Reduction and Oxidation Reaction E-Magazine that has been developed meets the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective.


  • PENDAHULUAN Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar atau pada proses penyampaian pesan atau informasi guru ke peserta didik

  • which is a magazine with an attractive appearance

  • determine the profile and quality of e-magazine as a learning medium by using the ADDIE model development research method which consists of Analysis

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Materi atau isi e-magazine singkat agar mudah dimengerti

Analisis keefektifan untuk tes evaluasi peserta didik menggunakan lembar penilaian kognitif. Hasil penilaian kognitif dinilai berdasarkan pedoman penskoran. Nilai maksimal untuk penilaian kognitif yaitu 100 dan untuk kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) yang ditentukan oleh guru yaitu 75. Peserta didik dikatakan tuntas jika mendapatkan nilai hasil tes evaluasi lebih besar atau sama dengan KKM. E-magazine yang dikembangkan dikatakan efektif apabila setelah peserta didik mengikuti pembelajaran yang menggunakan e-magazine mendapatkan nilai ketuntasan memenuhi kriteria minimal baik berdasarkan interval kriteria ketuntasan hasil tes belajar oleh (S. eko Putro Widoyoko, 2009). Perhitungan nilai hasil tes evaluasi peserta didik dilakukan dengan mengoreksi lembar jawaban peserta didik berdasarkan kunci jawaban dan pedoman penskoran yang telah dibuat dan divalidasi oleh peneliti. E-magazine reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi dikembangkan untuk mempermudah dan memotivasi peserta didik Kelas X dalam mempelajari materi reaksi reduksi dan Gambar 2.

Penyajian konten yang menarik untuk pembaca
11. Tampilan umum media menarik
11. Tampilan umum 4 media menarik
E-magazine menarik sehingga dapat memotivasi saya dalam belajar
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