
The e-commerce business has now developed rapidly, the impact of development is that the number of prosuct varies and easily earned. The ease of such information will result in consumers will be more consumptive infulfilling their needs, even they tend to make impuse buying. As one of the emerest e-commerece in Indonesia, Lazada should be able to see this as a great opportunity in as effort to increase the company’s sales and sustainability. One effort in increasing impulse buying is of external factors ranging from the promotion and quality of websites that are launched on e-commerce bussines. This study aims to know and prove how much influence promotion and website quality to impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang City. The samples were taken using Cochran formula with 100 respondents. This sampling technique is based on nonprobability sampling method. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis technique using SPSS version 20. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Promotion has positive influence and significant effect toward impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang city (0,014 < 0,05). (2) Website Quality has positive influence and significant effect toward impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang city (0,046 < 0,05)Keyword: promotion, website quality, impulse buying.


  • PENDAHULUAN Dunia global saat ini telah menginjak era yang dinamakan dengan revolusi industri 4.0.Dimana era ini telah banyak menimbulkan perubahan terjadi diberbagai hal, khususnya dibidang teknologi informasi.Teknologi informasi berbasis internet merupakan salah satu dari perkembangan teknologi yang paling banyak digunakan orang saat ini, berikut data perkembangan internet di dunia dari tahun 2013 sampai 2018 : Gambar 1

  • As one of the emerest e-commerece in Indonesia, Lazada should be able to see this as a great opportunity in as effort to increase the company’s sales and sustainability

  • One effort in increasing impulse buying is of external factors ranging from the promotion and quality of websites that are launched on e-commerce bussines

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Mean Df Square

Hasil analisis regresi berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut : 1) Nilai konstanta sebesar 9,101 menunjukkan bahwa tanpa ada pengaruh dari variabel bebas yaitu promosi (X1) dan website quality (X2) maka impulse buying konsumen e-commerce Lazada mencapai nilai konstanta sebesar 9,101. Artinnya terjadi pengaruh yang positif antara promosi terhadap impulse buying. Bila terjadi peningkatan 1% variabel promosi (X1) dimana faktor-faktor lain konstans, maka akan dapat meningkatkan impulse buying sebesar 0,359. Hal ini menunjukkan jika promosi ecommerce Lazada bagus dan menarik, maka impuslse buying pada Lazada juga akan meningkat. Bila terjadi peningkatan 1% variabel website quality (X2) dimana faktor-faktor lain konstans, maka akan dapat meningkatkan impulse buying sebesar 0,207. Hal ini menunjukkan jika website quality ecommerce Lazada bagus dan menarik, maka impuslse buying pada Lazada juga akan meningkat. Hasil perhitungan untuk nilai R Square (R2) dengan bantuan program aplikasi

Adjusted R Square
Uji Kelayakan Model
Df Mean Square
Standardized Coefficients
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