
The usage of appropriate teaching material can help student achieve learning objectives by motivate and attract student interest in order for them to study actively in learning process. One of the teaching material that can be used to support the learning process according to the 2013 curriculum is teaching materials in the form of Guided Inquiry Based Student’s Worksheets. This research aims to determine the effect of student’s worksheet based on guided inquiry for solubility and solubility product constant toward 11th grade senior high school student’s study result. The research type was quasi experiment research which used non-equivalent control group design. The population was all 11th grade senior high school students from MAN 2 Padang on 2017/2018 academic year. The research sample was chosen using purposive sampling technique which resulted XI MIPA 3 as the experiment class and XI MIPA 5 as the control class. The research instrument was study test result in form of multiple choice, which consists of pre-test and post-test. Based on this research, the N-gain point obtained in this experiment class was 0.68 which considered medium and in the control class was 0.55 which considered medium. The result based on the data analysis was both sample class distributed normally and has homogeneous variance. Based on the ttest toward significant standard 0.05 resulted that tcount (4.21) > ttable (1.67). This result showed that the increasing of student’s study result from experiment class was higher than control class significantly. It can be concluded that the usage of student’s worksheet on solubility and solubility product constant take effect and can be used to increase 11th grade senior high school student’s study result. Keywords:effect, student’s worksheet, guided inquiry, solubility and solubility product constant, study result

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