
Latar Belakang : Kebutuhan gizi ibu menyusui meningkat dibandingkan dengan tidak menyusui dan masa keha ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF MORINGA LEAVES EXTRACT ON EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING MOTHER ON INFANT WEIGHT INCREASE IN 0 - 5 MONTHS Background: The nutritional needs of breastfeeding mothers are increased compared to non-breastfeeding and during pregnancy. Efforts to achieve optimal infant nutrition until they reach six months of age can only be done through improving maternal nutrition. This illustrates that the food consumed by breastfeeding mothers greatly affects the production of breast milk. Moringa leaves are a food ingredient that has a lactogenic effect because they contain phytosterols. National exclusive breastfeeding coverage has only reached 65.16%, while exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Lampung province is 67.01% (Indonesian Ministry of Health 2018). Even though it has exceeded the national coverage, it is still low compared to the target target of 80%. Meanwhile, in Bandar Lampung City, in 2018, exclusive breastfeeding coverage was 44.5%. PWS KIA, Kebun Ginger Health Center, Bandar Lampung City, showed that from January to July 2019 there were 12,72% babies under 6 months did not get optimal weight gain. Purpose : To determine the effect of Moringa leaf extract on exclusive breastfeeding mothers on weight gain of infants 0-5 months at the Kebon Jahe Community Health Center in Bandar Lampung in 2020 Method: Quantitative research with a two group pretest-posttest design research method. The population was exclusively breastfeeding mothers, a sample of 32 mothers was divided into two groups. 16 breastfeeding mothers were given Moringa leaf extract and 16 breastfeeding mothers were given placebo, using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using statistical tests using independent t test and paired T test. Results: The average body weight in the group given Moringa leaves increased from 5012 grams to 5765.25 grams, while the group given katuk leaf extract increased from 4962 grams to 6040.62 grams. The results of the independent T test obtained a p-value of 0.556 (p value> 0.05), this means that statistically there is no difference in the two groups. Pairwise difference test results obtained p-value 0.000 (pvalue 0,05) hal ini bermakna bahwa secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan pada kedua kelompok. Hasil uji beda berpasangan diperoleh hasil pvalue 0,000 (pvalue 0,05) hal ini bermakna bahwa secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan pada kedua kelompok. Hasil uji beda berpasangan diperoleh hasil pvalue 0,000 (pvalue < 0,05) Kesimpulan : tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun kelor dan daun katuk (placebo) terhadap kenaikan berat badan bayi. Ada perbedaan berat badan sebelum dan sesudah pemberian ekstrak daun kelor dan placebo. Daun kelor memiliki efektifitas yang sama dalam meningkatkan berat badan bayi.

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