
Introduction: Symptoms of tuberculosis in children that are not specific require early detection efforts. One of the efforts to carry out early detection is to monitor children's growth and development in posyandu activities. Posyandu cadres have an important role in this. The purpose of this training activity is to increase the knowledge of posyandu cadres in early detection of tuberculosis in children. Method: The target of the training was 21 posyandu cadres who were selected by purposive sampling. Training activities as a form of community service are carried out with the stages of giving a pretest, presentation of material and case and posttest questions. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis is used to determine differences in knowledge before and after training.Result Recommendation: All cadres were female, with the lowest education was junior high school (9.8%), the youngest was 38 years old and the oldest was 65 years old. The results of the difference test showed that there was a difference between before and after training (p value 0.0006), indicating that the training method was effective in increasing the knowledge of the cadres


  • Beban kasus TBC pada Anak di dunia belum dapat diketahui karena kurangnya alat diagnostik yang “child-friendly” dan tidak adekuatnya sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan kasus TBC Anak

  • of the efforts to carry out early detection is to monitor children

  • Posyandu cadres have an important role in this. The purpose of this training activity is to increase the knowledge of posyandu cadres in early detection

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Beban kasus TBC pada Anak di dunia belum dapat diketahui karena kurangnya alat diagnostik yang “child-friendly” dan tidak adekuatnya sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan kasus TBC Anak. Sebagaimana salah satu gejala utama TBC anak adalah penurunan berat badan dalam 3 bulan terakhir, maka peran kader menjadi sangat penting dalam melakukan deteksi dini TBC anak. Sebagai tenaga sukarela di masyarakat ternyata masih mempunyai pengetahuan dengan nilai tentang TBC.[4] Penelitian Ita Puji Lestari (2019) menggambarkan adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan dan motivasi dengan peran kader dalam penemuan kasus TBC.[5] Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam panduan posyandu, salah satu tugas kader adalah memantau tumbuh kembang anak melalui kegiatan di posyandu.[6] Namun, hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013, terdapat peningkatan proporsi tidak dilakukannya pemantauan tumbuh kembang anak, dari 25,5% (2010) menjadi 34,3% (2013).[7]. Melalui kegiatan penimbangan balita oleh kader, maka dapat dilakukan deteksi lebih dini terkait adanya gejala umum TBC anak melalui pemantauan berat badan anak dalam 2-3 bulan terakhir. Proses belajar dengan merenungkan apa yang telah dikerjakan, sangat mungkin diterapkan bagi petugas kesehatan.[11]

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