
The effect of obesity on vascular function is mediated by hormon leptin. Leptin has been proved to increaseoxidative stress in endothelial cell. The previous study has proven that leptin caused the endothelial dysfunction asa step of the atherogenesis. Lycopene, an antioxidant, is presumed having the ability to block the atherogenesismechanism, which is stimulated a proinflamatory cytokine and adhesion molecules by MAPK and transcriptionfactor ET-1. Therefore, the aim of this research was to prove and to determine whether lycopene could decreasethe MAPK and ET-1 expression in Human Umbillical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) culture induced by 500 ng/mlleptin. In vitro study used primary culture of the HUVECs were devided in to 7 groups, there were (1) 0 ng/ml leptinand 0 ìM lycopene, (2) induced by 500 ng/ml leptin for 12 hours, (3) induced by leptin and lycopene with concentration10; 25; 40; 55 and 75 ìM for 12 hours. Then the identification of MAPK was applied by using imunocytochemistrycompared with ELISA procedure on cell endothel culture lysate and ET-1 expression was measured by using RTPCR. It was showed that lycopene 10-25 ìM decreased MAPK and ET-1 expression significantly in HUVECs cultureinduced by leptin 500 ng/ml. Leptin was increased ERK1/2 MAPK and ET-1 expression in HUVECs culture and candecrease by lycopene. Optimum dose of lycopene is 10-25 ìM.


  • PENDAHULUAN Nutrisi yang baik merupakan kebutuhan vital untuk kesehatan, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan serta pencegahan penyakit

  • The aim of this research was to prove and to determine whether lycopene could decrease the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and ET-1 expression in Human Umbillical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) culture induced by 500 ng/ml leptin

  • The identification of MAPK was applied by using imunocytochemistry compared with ELISA procedure on cell endothel culture lysate and ET-1 expression was measured by using RT PCR

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Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen murni (true eksperimental) yang dikerjakan di laboratorium secara invitro dengan menggunakan rancangan percobaan Randomized Group Only Design. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Metode pengukuran kadar protein MAPK menggunakan Human ERK1/2 MAPK ELISA Kit. Pada Tabel 1 dapat dilihat bahwa perlakuan 500 ng/ml leptin (18,115 ± 1,823) dapat meningkatkan aktivitas MAPK intrasel secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif (9,965 ± 0,194). Aktivitas MAPK turun dengan pemberian likopen 10 μM dan secara signifikan pada likopen dosis 25 μM (L500Li25) jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif pada sel endotel yang dipapar dengan leptin. Diagram batang kadar protein intrasel ERK1/2MAPK pada HUVEC yang telah diinduksi leptin dan dipapar beberapa dosis likopen. Identifikasi protein intrasel ERK1/2MAPK pada HUVEC yang telah diinduksi leptin dan dipapar beberapa dosis likopen secara imunohistokimia. Hasil RT-PCR ET-1 pada HUVEC yang telah diinduksi leptin dan dipapar beberapa dosis likopen. Hasil analisis statistik kadar protein intrasel ERK1/2MAPK pada HUVEC yang telah diinduksi leptin dan dipapar beberapa dosis likopen

Kontrol negatif Kontrol positif
Kontrol positif
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