
Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which damage to the joints of aging been anticipated plays an important role in the development of osteoarthritis (Stanley, 2006). It forced a decline in activity or immobilization so it accelerate the prognosis of the disease. This study aimed to determine the Range of Motion (ROM) exercise influence in changing the pain scale in elderly with osteoarthritis in the elderly Posyandu Kalianget Timur Kalianget Sumenep. 
 Method: This Research design is pre experiment one group pre and post test design with simple random sampling. The population are 76 people with total sample of 64 people. Data were analyzed using wilcoxon test. 
 Result: The results of the study prior to Range of Motion (ROM) exercise pain scale at nearly half the respondents (48.4%) had moderate pain (scale 4-6). And after Range of Motion (ROM) exercise pain scale at nearly half the respondents (46.9%) had mild pain (scale 1-3). Data were analyzed using wilcoxon test. The results obtained p = 0.000 which means Range of Motion (ROM) exercise significantly effective in changing the pain scale in osteoarthritis patients in the elderly Posyandu Kalianget Timur Sumenep. 
 Conclusion: ROM exercises is non pharmacological therapy that can aplied to reduce the scale of pain in elderly with osteoarthritis. The result of this study is expected to increase the knowledge and prevent pain by creating and ROM maintaining positive habit to avoid degenerative joint stiffness that caused by pain.


  • Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which damage to the joints of aging been anticipated plays an important role in the development of osteoarthritis (Stanley, 2006)

  • Range of Motion (ROM) exercises is non pharmacological therapy that can aplied to reduce the scale of pain in elderly with osteoarthritis

  • The result of this study is expected to increase the knowledge and prevent pain by creating and ROM maintaining positive habit to avoid degenerative joint stiffness that caused by pain

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6.2 sangat tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Pengaruh Latihan Range of Motion Tabel 1.1 menggambarkan responden sebagian (ROM) Terhadap Perubahan Skala Nyeri Pada besar yaitu 60-70 tahun (elderly) sejumlah 38. Penelitian ini Tabel 1.2 Karakteristik responden dilakukan sebagai upaya mengetahui pengaruh berdasarkan jenis kelamin riil latihan ROM pada lansia terhadap perubahan skala nyeri sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya penurunan aktivitas dan menunjang hidup khususnya lansia lebih berkualitas. Sampel penelitian adalah Sebagian Lansia Osteoartritis Dengan Nyeri Sendi Dari Populasi Di Posyandu Desa Kalianget Timur Sebanyak 64 Orang. Tabel 2.3 menjelaskan bahwa skala nyeri responden sesudah dilakukan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) hampir setengahnya yaitu nyeri. Tabel 2.2 menjelaskan skala nyeri responden sebelum dilakukan latihan Range of Motion(ROM) hampir setengahnya yaitu nyeri sedang (skala 4-6) sebanyak 31 orang (48,4%). P= 0,000 yang menunjukkan bahwa latihan ROM memiliki pengaruh pada perubahan skala nyeri pasien osteoartritis

Skala Nyeri Pada Lansia Dengan
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