
This research aims to analyze influence of tourism place site and hotel toward Original Local Government Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Object of this research are West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies. This research use Panel Least Square method to see the effect of independent variable toward dependent variable which took from West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies from 2013 until 2017 data that are collected through documentation from local government institution. This research applies Random Effect Model (REM) approach. Result of this research shows that (1) Total amount of tourism place and hotels together has positive and significant influence towards Original Local Govenment Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies. (2) Total amount of tourism place has not any significant influence towards Original Local Govenment Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies. (3) Total amount of hotels has significant influence towards Original Local Govenment Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies. From this research it is suggested for government to increase fund allocation as well permits thus can improve total amount of tourism place and hotels growth therefore can increase Original Local Govenment Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies.Keywords : tourism place, hotels, original local govenment revenue (pad)


  • PENDAHULUAN Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki ribuan pulau yang beraneka ragam alamnya dan penduduknya yang memiliki ratusan suku bangsa dengan seni budaya serta adat istiadat yang dimiliki beragam sehingga berpotensi menjadi wisata yang bisa dikunjungi oleh wisatawan

  • This research use Panel Least Square method to see the effect of independent variable toward dependent variable which took from West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies from 2013 until 2017 data that are collected through documentation from local government institution

  • From this research it is suggested for government to increase fund allocation as well permits can improve total amount of tourism place and hotels growth can increase Original Local Govenment Revenue (PAD) in West Sumatera Province Cities/Regencies

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Dari hasil analisis statistik deskriptif di atas dapat diketahui bahwa jumlah observasi dalam penelitian (n) adalah 95. Jumlah objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat rata-rata berjumlah 68-unit ataupun 69-unit dengan jumlah objek wisata yang banyak terdapat di daerah Kabupaten Solok dan sedikit adalah Kota Solok dalam kurun waktu lima tahun. Jumlah hotel yang ada di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat rata-rata adalah 26unit ataupun 27-unit dengan jumlah hotel terbanyak terdapat di Kota Bukittinggi dan paling sedikit terdapat di Kabupaten Sijunjung dalam kurun waktu lima tahun. Diketahui bahwa nilai durbin-watson stat 1,875552 dengan membandingkan dengan tabel DW maka didapatkan hasil sebagai nilai durbin-watson > dari nilai DU (1,8266) dan lebih < dari 4-DU ( 2,1734) maka data tidak ada masalah autokorelasi. Heterokedastisitas, diketahui bahwa nilai probabilitas OBWS dan HTL > 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan dua variabel tidak ada terjadi masalah heterokedastisitas. Redundant Fixed Effects Tests Equation: Untitled Test cross-section fixed effects

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