
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) terhadap minat kewirausahaan siswa SMA Jakarta. Fokusnya adalah pada bagaimana kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi seperti analisis, sintesis, evaluasi, dan kreativitas mempengaruhi minat seseorang dalam memulai atau mengembangkan usaha. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan eksperimen, sampel diambil dari populasi SMA Jakarta dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 60 siswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelas (kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen). Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai rata – rata tersebut yaitu rata – rata kelompok kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok kelas kontrol. Kelas Kontrol memiliki Median = 69,1, Modus = 69,5, dan Simpang baku = 115,15. Sedangkan kelompok eksperimen memiliki Median 67,16, Modus = 81.1, dan Simpangan baku = 88,53. Pengujian persyaratan analisis pada uji normalitas eksperimen menggunakan uji Liliefors diperoleh nilai tertinggi pada Lh = 0,160715 sedangkan nilai Lt = 0,161. Jelaslah bahwa Lh < Lt maka disimpulkan variabel penelitian berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal. Pada uji normalitas kontrol nilai Lh = 0,15659, sedangkan nilai Lt= 0,161. Jelaslah bahwa Lh > Lt maka disimpulkan variabel penelitian berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal. Kata kunci: HOTS, Fokus, Kewirausahaan, Kreativitas. ABSTRACTThis research aims to determine the influence of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on the entrepreneurial interest of Jakarta high school students. The focus is on how higher-level thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creativity influence a person's interest in starting or developing a business. This research method uses an experimental approach, samples were taken from the Jakarta high school population with a sample size of 60 students divided into 2 classes (control class and experimental class). The results of the research show that the average value of the experimental class group is higher than that of the control class group. The Control Class has Median = 69.1, Mode = 69.5, and Standard Deviation = 115.15. Meanwhile, the experimental group had a Median of 67.16, Mode = 81.1, and Standard Deviation = 88.53. Testing the analytical requirements in the experimental normality test using the Liliefors test obtained the highest value at Lh = 0.160715 while the value for Lt = 0.161. It is clear that Lh < Lt, it can be concluded that the research variables come from a normally distributed population. In the control normality test, the Lh value = 0.15659, while the Lt value = 0.161. It is clear that Lh > Lt means it can be concluded that the research variables come from a normally distributed population. Keywords: HOTS, Focus, Entrepreneurship, Creativity.

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