
thecompetition intransportation services industry, especially in theonline transportaffect customer satisfaction and loyalty through variable pricing and quality of service. Competition inonline transport makes TBI Go-jek percentage decline. This study was conducted to determine the effect of price and service quality on customer loyalty Go-jek with satisfaction variable as a mediating variable in Padang State University student. Associative type of research is quantitative. Padang State University student who had used the Go-jek is a population in this study with the sampling technique used purposive sampling.The samples used were 100 people. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and documentation with the Likert scale ratings to measure the respondents' answers. Data were analyzed using path analysis with SPSS version 21.0.The results of this study indicate that partial price and service quality affects customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction further partially significant effect on customer loyalty while price and service quality partially no effect on customer loyalty. Go-jek suggested creating a strategy that can improve customer satisfaction and moving obstacles.Keyword: price and, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty


  • PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan teknologi diberbagai bidang sekarang ini sangatlah cepat, salah satunya dalam bidang teknologi komunikasi

  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of price and service quality on customer loyalty Go-jek with satisfaction variable as a mediating variable in Padang State University student

  • The results of this study indicate that partial price and service quality affects customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction further partially significant effect on customer loyalty while price and service quality partially no effect on customer loyalty

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Berdasarkan tabel diatas dapat kita lihat bahwa nilai TCR harga adalah 82,4% denganketerangan sangat kuat. Pada variabel kualitas jasa Gojek juga mendapat nilai TCR yang tinggi Yakni 82,1% yang menunjukkan kualitas layanan sudah sangat baik seperti jenis layanan yang mam pu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, driver yang tanggap dengan keluhan pelanggan, informasi terpercaya tentang driver, driver yang rapi keadaan kendaraan yang bagus. Uji normalitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Kolmogrov-Smirnov yaitu, nilai residual terstandarisasi berdistribusi normal jika K hitung>K tabel atau nilai Sig>alpha dengan nilai alpha 0,05 (Suliyanto, 2011:75). Peneliti melakukan analisis data untuk uji heterokedastisitas menggunakan SPSS versi 21.0 dengan hasil nilai sig. Harga yaitu 0,452 >0,05 yang berarti tidak terjadi gejala heteroskedastisitas. Variabel kualitas layanan memiliki nilai sig.0,189>0,05 maka tidak terjadi gejala heterokesdastisitas, begitu juga dengan variabel kepuasan dengan nilai sig. Analisis jalur Untuk memudah analisis yang dilakukan maka struktur analisis jalur di pecah menjadi beberapa sub struktur,yang pertama untuk sub struktur pengaruh harga terhadap kualitas layanan

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