
Environmental issues have been increasingly recognized by the public with the rise of news about global warming. This encourages consumers to better appreciate environmentally friendly products. This study aims to explain the effect of green perceived value on green repurchase intention mediated by green trust products of The Body Shop in Denpasar city. The number of samples in this study were 120 respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used in this research is path analysis technique. Based on the analysis result, it was found that green perceived value had positive and significant effect on green repurchase intention. Green perceived value has a positive and significant effect on green trust. Green trusts have a positive and significant influence on green repurchase intention. Green trusts significantly mediate the effect of green perceived value on green repurchase intention. The Body Shop should be more intensive in providing information about the benefits derived from using the product and must further improve the quality and quality of the product.
 Keywords: Green Marketing, green perceived value, green trust, green repurchase intention.


  • Environmental issues have been increasingly recognized by the public with the rise of news about global warming

  • This study aims to explain the effect of green perceived value on green repurchase intention mediated by green trust products of The Body Shop in Denpasar city

  • Pengaruh Green Marketing Terhadap Citra Merek Dan Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Konsumen The Body Shop Mall Olympic Garden Malang)

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Chen dan Chang

Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah Green Repurchase Intention (Y) yang diukur dengan menggunakan empat indikator yaitu minat transaksional, minat referensial, minat preferensial, dan minat eksploratif. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah Green perceived value (X) yang diukur dengan menggunakan empat indikator yaitu Benefit for costumers, Environmental concern, Standard of quality, dan Price. Sedangkan variabel mediasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Green trust (M) yang diukur dengan menggunakan empat indikator yaitu Organic claim, Reputation, Environmental performance, dan Environmental commitments. Sedangkan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber primer berupa identitas pembelian produk The BodyShop, jawaban dari reponden terhadap setiap butiran pernyataan dalam kuesioner, serta data target penjualan dan pertumbuhan produk The Body Shop. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan wawancara langsung dengan karyawan dari The Body Shop untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi tambahan dari pihak manajemen. Apabila hasil nilai perhitungan Z > 1,96 (tingkat kepercayaan 95 persen), maka variabel intervening dianggap secara signifikan memediasi hubungan antara variabel eksogen dan variabel endogen

Karakteristik Responden
Pearson Correlation
Hasil Uji Normalitas
Most Extreme Differences Absolute
Bebas Heteroskedastisitas
Pengaruh Total langsung melalui M
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