
The background of this research is the importance of prayer for every student in the learning process, because by gettingused to asking Allah will make the individual feel close to Allah and always in His protection. The purpose of this researchto determine the effect of prayer in the student learning process. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative thesubjects of this study consisted is 1 student from PGRI Jakarta University, 2 students from Bengkulu University, 1 studentfrom UIN Lampung. Data was collected by means of online interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis isdone by giving meaning to the data that has been collected and from that meaning it is concluded that prayer is a way ofworshiping God in the form of a request, a request as a form of acknowledgment of one's weaknesses and the power of asupreme essence. Behind the word prayer, there is an understanding that humans feel they are small and Allah SWT has thenature of the Almighty and the Most Great. The results of the study indicate that prayer in the learning process has a verylarge influence on humans. Because our goal of learning or seeking knowledge is to get rewarded and get useful knowledgeand if we learn but it is not accompanied by prayer, the knowledge we get will be in vain and it is very easy for us to forgetbecause we do not get God's blessing from what which we have studied. In addition, when we pray before doing learningwe will be able to feel the effect of the prayer which calms the heart, reassures and eliminates excessive fear or anxiety thatexists in us during the learning process and with prayer we can also more focused on the lesson.

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