
The 1990s are considered a major force on fashion, music and screens. At that time, in Indonesia various bands were born, developed and reached a golden age. One of them is the KLa Project, which is still surviving until the age of 32. This study aims to determine the experience of group communication in the KLa Project band in an effort to maintain their existence for 32 years in the Indonesian Music scene. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects consisted of the main research subjects, namely KLa Project personnel, namely Ignatius Bagaskoro Katon, Romulo Radjadin, Adi Adrian and Ahmad Ari Suharto. Supporting research subjects were also taken in this study, namely the crew and management of the KLa Project, as well as several other fellow musicians who are related to the KLa Project. The results show that communication between personnel in the KLa Project music group or band is the most important and fundamental thing. The group communication is also dynamic and there is a change in communication patterns during the early formation and journey of the KLa Project, namely from 1986-1987 to 2000, with the communication situation between personnel in 2001.


  • The 1990s are considered a major force on fashion, music and screens

  • This study aims to determine the experience of group communication in the KLa Project band in an effort to maintain their existence for 32 years in the Indonesian Music scene

  • The results show that communication between personnel in the KLa Project music group or band is the most important and fundamental thing

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Nur Desilawati

Era 1990an dianggap sebagai kekuatan besar pada mode, musik dan layar. Saat itu, di Indonesia berbagai band pun lahir, berkembang dan mencapai masa keemasan. Salah satunya KLa Project, yang bahkan masih bertahan hingga di usia 32 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengalaman komunikasi kelompok pada grup band KLa Project dalam upaya menjaga eksistensi selama 32 tahun di belantika Musik Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subyek penelitian pendukung juga diambil dalam penelitian ini yakni kru dan Manajemen KLa Project, serta beberapa rekan musisi lain yang berelasi dengan KLa Project. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komunikasi antar personil dalam kelompok musik atau band KLa Project adalah hal yang paling penting dan mendasar. Komunikasi kelompoknya juga bersifat dinamis dan terdapat perubahan pola komunikasi pada masa awal pembentukan dan perjalanan KLa Project yakni pada 1986-1987 hingga 2000, dengan situasi komunikasi antar personil di 2001. Kata kunci: Komunikasi kelompok; kla project; fenomenologi; musik

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Sejarah Pembentukan dan Perjalanan Karier Musik KLa Project
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