
Rape by some groups is grouped into acts of violence against women, even in some cases that often arise, rape can be committed by a man against his wife, children (nephew) or women who are at home with him, so that various terms of marital rape, sexual abuse appear, and incest, better known generally as acts of violence against women. The type of research used is normative juridical, namely the type of research conducted by studying existing norms or legislation related to the issues discussed. Application of criminal sanctions against children who commit rape in Decision No. 65 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2017 / PN. Mdn with imprisonment for 3 (three) years and 6 (six) months. Also impose a crime on the child by undergoing Job Training for 1 (one) month at Upt. LKPS-Child and Youth Social Services (PSAR) of the North Sumatra Province Social Service in Tanjung Morawa. The factors that cause the occurrence of criminal acts of rape committed by children are due to social factors, and mass media factors, because the defendant is often in the internet cafe, so he can often watch pornographic films and practice them against his own girlfriend, the defendant wants to be responsible for his actions, but because there is no money and not approved by the family, the defendant is reported to the police to account for his actions.


  • Pemerkosaan oleh beberapa kalangan di kelompokkan ke dalam tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan, bahkan dalam beberapa kasus yang sering muncul, perkosaan dapat dilakukan seorang laki-laki terhadap istri, anak atau perempuan yang serumah dengannya, sehingga muncullah berbagai istilah marital rape, sexual abuse dan incest, yang lebih dikenal secara umum sebagai tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan

  • Rape by some groups is grouped into acts of violence

  • rape can be committed by a man against his wife

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Pemerkosaan oleh beberapa kalangan di kelompokkan ke dalam tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan, bahkan dalam beberapa kasus yang sering muncul, perkosaan dapat dilakukan seorang laki-laki terhadap istri, anak (keponakan) atau perempuan yang serumah dengannya, sehingga muncullah berbagai istilah marital rape, sexual abuse dan incest, yang lebih dikenal secara umum sebagai tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Sifat penelitian ini akan secara deskriptif analis yaitu menggambarkan untuk memberikan data yang seteliti mungkin (Soerjono Soekanto, 1984:10) yaitu mendeskripsikan hasil data yang diterima berdasarkan sumber data dan juga dengan menganalisis kasus yang terkait yaitu untuk mengetahui fakta-fakta hukum yang terdapat pada Putusan No 65/Pid.Sus-Anak/2017/PN.Mdn tentang tindak pidana pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh anak.

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