
This study aims to determine the implementation of the obligation to participate in the Social Security Administering Body Board pursuant to Article 14 of Law Number 24 Year 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body. In addition, to analyze the provision of sanctions to the participants of the Health Insurance Administering Agency that is not orderly in paying dues. To achieve these objectives, the authors use normative juridical methods. The result of the research states that the Implementation of Article 14 concerning the obligation to participate in the membership of the social security organizing body pursuant to Law Number 24 Year 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body is implemented through two presidential regulations namely Presidential Regulation no. 12 Year 2013 on Health Insurance and its amendment and PP. 86 of 2013 on Procedures for Imposing Administrative Sanctions to the Employer Other than the State Operator and any person, other than the employer, the worker and the Beneficiary of the Contribution in the Implementation of Social Security and the regulation of the President of Republic of Indonesia no. 19 of 2016 on the second amandement of presidential regulation n0. 12 of 2013 on health insurance. Health Insurance membership is mandatory and is done gradually to cover the entire population. The first phase begins on January 1, 2014, then the second phase covers all the residents who have not entered as Participants BPJS Health no later than January 1, 2019. Penrakan participants Health Insurance Administering Agency that is not orderly in paying dues done with BPJS benefit activation procedure.


  • The result of the research states that the Implementation of Article 14 concerning the obligation to participate in the membership of the social security organizing body pursuant to Law Number 24 Year 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body is implemented through two presidential regulations namely Presidential Regulation no. 12 Year 2013 on Health Insurance and its amendment and PP. 86 of 2013 on Procedures for Imposing Administrative Sanctions to the Employer Other than the State Operator and any person, other than the employer, the worker and the Beneficiary of the Contribution in the Implementation of Social Security and the regulation of the President of Republic of Indonesia no. 19 of 2016 on the second amandement of presidential regulation n0. 12 of 2013 on health insurance

  • This study aims to determine the implementation of the obligation to participate in the Social Security Administering Body Board pursuant to Article 14 of Law Number 24 Year 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body

  • The first phase begins on January 1, 2014, the second phase covers all the residents who have not entered as Participants Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Health no later than January 1, 2019

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Kesehatan ternyata tidak menjamin keseluruhan hak kesehatan masyarakat. BPJS membatasi layanan pada obat-obat yang dianggarkan saja. BPJS Kesehatan memberlakukan peraturan baru pada 1 Juli 2016 mengenai peserta yang menunggak bayar iuran dan denda bagi peserta yang berlaku di BPJS Kesehatan. Saat ini Peraturan BPJS yang baru berbeda, mulai 1 Juli 2016 peserta. BPJS kesehatan yang tidak membayar iuran 1 bulan maka statusnya akan langsung dinonaktifkan secara otomatis oleh sistem. Hal ini tentunya menjadi permasalahan tersendiri, karena belum tentu para peserta yang dinonaktifkan akan mengaktifkan kembali. Pemerintah memberikan subsidi, namun itu hanya kepada mereka yang dianggap tidak mampu yang diistilahkan dengan Penerima Bantuan Iuran (PBI). Alokasi anggaran untuk Penerima Bantuan Iuran (PBI) BPJS pada APBN-P 2015 hanya sebesar 20,3 triliun rupiah. Oleh karena itu ketika terjadi kemacetan pembayaran BPJS kepada tiap-tiap rumah sakit, hal inni mengakibatkan adanya permasalahan baru

Penerapan Pasal 14
24 Tahun 2011 tentang
19 Tahun 2016 Tentang
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