
Implementation of online based governance in order to improve the quality of effective and efficient public services through e-government that aims to support good governance. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of e-government implementation through the creation of an online corporate domicile certificate at UP PTSP Kelurahan Lubang Buaya. Besides this research is intended to find out various obstacles or obstacles as well as the efforts made by UP PTSP Kelurahan Lubang Buaya in overcoming these obstacles or obstacles. In this study, researchers used the George Edward III theory of Policy Implementation consisting of 4 (four) variables, namely : Communication, Resourcess, Dispotition or Attitude, Bureaucratic Structure with qualitative method. Data collection techniques carrried out in the from of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman (1992:20) consists of Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Drawing Conclusions. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of e-government implementation in making the Corporate Domicile Certificate has not gone well. Obstacles or obstacles found include : lack of socialization, the ability of public service officers, lack of public knowledge and frequent site errors, as well as efforts made to overcome these obstacles, with more frequent socialization of online licensing, training for employees and coordination with the central party regarding sites that often have errors. So that people can feel good and statisfying service and move on to online based service system

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