
The main host of Avian Influenza is poultry, including domestic chickens because domestic chickens are kept without cages (released). Extraordinary Avian Influenza has occurred in Indonesia, including in Tabanan Regency, Bali in 2003-2006. The case of human deaths due to Bird Flu had occurred in Banjar Batugaing Desa Beraban in Kediri District. Nyambu Village is located in Kediri Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency, many residents raise domestic poultry. The total population of free-range chickens in Kediri District is 30,171 in 2016. Considering the potential of Nyambu Village whose residents mostly raise free-range chicken by means of release, it is very vulnerable to the spread of Avian Influenza in the Village. The purpose of community service in Nyambu Village is to prevent the onset of Avian Influenza. The main target of community service in Nyambu Village is the villagers who maintain free-range chicken. Community service activities have been carried out on July 28, 2018 at the Nyambu Village Office followed by the Village apparatus and the local community. They were given counseling then continued with vaccination on their domesticated chickens from one house to another, it’s used AI inactive vaccine by intramuscullare injected. As many as 230 domestic chickens of various ages have been successfully vaccinated.

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