
<span class="fontstyle0">Tomato ketchup is a product favored by the people of Indonesia. The use of pumpkin as filler<br />substance in the production of tomato ketchup is performed as an alternative to conventional<br />tomato ketchup filler substance. This study aims to determine the right balance between the<br />tomato puree and pumpkin puree to produce a tomato ketchup that can be accepted by<br />consumers, without addition of coloring agents and other food additives. The results showed<br />that the quantity of tomato puree and pumpkin puree in proportion of 85 and 15 produces the<br />best tomato ketchup and has the same characteristics as the standard and is preferred by the<br />panelists, with a viscosity of 40300 cps, the water content of 61.53% and pH of 3.87.</span>


  • Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil sayuran dan buahan yang cukup potensial dikembangkan

  • This study aims to determine the right balance between the tomato puree and pumpkin puree to produce a tomato ketchup that can be accepted by consumers, without addition of coloring agents and other food additives

  • The results showed that the quantity of tomato puree and pumpkin puree in proportion of 85 and 15 produces the best tomato ketchup and has the same characteristics as the standard and is preferred by the panelists, with a viscosity of 40300 cps, the water content of 61.53% and paling rendah. Derajat keasaman (pH) of 3.87

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Secara botanis tomat termasuk family

Solanaceae, satu family dengan kentang, terung dan cabai. Ditinjau dari kepentingan kebutuhan zat gizi manusia, tomat merupakan sumber vitamin khususnya vitamin A, B dan. Labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata) dapat dijadikan bahan pengisi karena memiliki daging buah yang tebal, rasa gurih, manis, berdaging halus dan padat. Labu kuning yang memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan bahan pengisi dari saus tomat. Bahan pengisi yang digunakan labu kuning lokal (Cucurbita moschata) jenis bokor yang berumur 3-4 bulan dengan kulit berwarna hijau. Bahan-bahan lain berupa gula pasir, asam asetat, garam halus, bawang putih dan rempah-rempah (kayu manis, merica, kembang pala dan cabai bubuk dalam bentuk yang sudah dihaluskan atau bubuk) didapat dari pasar tradisional. Untuk setiap 1000 gram bubur tomat digunakan 115 gram gula pasir, 29 gram bawang putih, 15 gram merica, 1,5 gram kayu manis, 1,5 gram cabai bubuk, 1 gram kembang pala, 10 gram garam dapur dan larutan cuka dapur konsentrasi 5% sebanyak 70 mL. Dan diuji statistik dengan uji Duncan pada taraf nyata 5%

Pengamatan Sifat Fisik
Keterangan a ab ab b c
Kadar Air Keterangan
Perlakuan Tingkat Kesukaan Terhadap Warna Aroma Rasa
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