
Bali is one of the areas prone to earthquake and tsunami as being at the junction of two plates, namely the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate is located in the south of Bali and back arc trust zones are located in the North of Bali. We need research on the potential dangers of earthquakes and tsunami in Bali are based on the value of seismicity which is interpreted by the value of b and a. This study uses earthquake data on the coordinates 6?-11? SLand 114?-116? EL with 339 data that was processed using Zmap in order to obtain the value of b at 1.57 ± 0.008 and the value of a is 10.6 and maximum magnitude of 7.1 Mw. From mapping the values ??of b and a known area that has the highest value of b and a lies in the sea area to the south of Bali, Karangasem and Buleleng to the northern region of Bali. Furthermore, for mapping the tsunami in Bali using the TOAST application obtained tsunami prone areas of Bali, Kuta Beach, East Buleleng and Karangasem.


  • Bali is one of the areas prone to earthquake and tsunami as being at the junction of two plates, namely the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate is located in the south of Bali and back arc trust zones are located in the North of Bali

  • We need research on the potential dangers of earthquakes and tsunami in Bali are based on the value of seismicity which is interpreted by the value of b and a

  • This study uses earthquake data on the coordinates 6 ̊-11 ̊ SLand 114 ̊-116 ̊ EL with 339 data that was processed using Zmap in order to obtain the value of b at 1.57 ± 0.008 and the value of a is 10.6 and maximum magnitude of 7.1 Mw

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Gempa bumi adalah getaran permukaan tanah yang dikaibatkan oleh pelepasan energi terakumulasi secara tibatiba. Gempa bumi dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, diantranya patahan batuan/sesar (Muhammad,2008). Gempa bumi sering melanda daerah-daerah di Indonesia, hal ini dikarenakan Indonesia dilalui oleh tiga lempeng yaitu lempeng Indo-Australia, lempeng Eurasia, dan lempeng Pasifik. Bali merupakan salah satu wilayah Indonesia yang termasuk daerah rawan gempa bumi. Karena Bali diapit oleh dua sumber gempa bumi, yaitu zona subduksi di sebelah selatan Bali yang merupakan pertemuan dua lempeng yaitu lempeng IndoAustralia yang bergerak dari selatan ke utara dan lempeng Eurasia yang bergerak dari utara ke selatan. Berdasarkan catatan BMKG, gempa bumi beberapa kali melanda Bali. Gempa bumi ini juga menimbulkan gelombang tsunami yang menerjang sepanjang pesisir Karangasem dan buleleng. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka Bali dapat digolongkan termasuk daerah rawan gempa bumi dan berpotensi terjadi tsunami. Oleh karena itu perlu diadakannya penelitian tentang bahaya gempa bumi dan potensi tsunami di Bali

Teori Gempa Bumi
Teori Tsunami
Hubungan Frekuensi dengan Magnitudo Gempa Bumi
Menghitung Nilai Seismisitas dan Magnitudo Maksimum
Pemetaan potensi tsunami di Bali Selatan
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