
Skills in building relationships and community relations is an art as well as a social science discipline that analyzes various tendencies, predicts every possible consequence of each activity, gives input and suggestions to organizational leaders, and implements planned action programs to serve organizational needs and or the interests of the audience. Operationally, establishing community relations in an organization (education institution) can be done in various ways, including through the provision and or use of shared facilities, the implementation of activities to improve students' abilities, the utilization of Human Resources in mutualism. This study aims to determine the implementation that has been, is being, and will be pursued by an Islamic educational institution (pesantren) in fostering and establishing cooperative relations with the government and the wider community. The data of this study were obtained through observation and interviews with a number of resource persons who were directly involved in the process of the pesantren academic community and several related stakeholders. The data obtained is then analyzed qualitatively descriptive. From the results of the study it was found that the implementation fostered cooperative relations with the government or the general public in Darul Amin Modern Islamic Boarding School, can be seen from: a. structural involvement of Islamic Boarding Schools in the ranks of regional and level II regional governments; b. absorption of teacher workforce from the general public, especially the community around the pesantren and also the absorption of educators and education in Islamic boarding schools that can take part in the community; c. involvement of the general public and government officials at important pesantren events; d. transparent reporting at a reasonable stage.


  • Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia dalam sistem pemerintahanya menurut UUD 1945 memberikan keleluasaan pada daerah untuk menyelenggarakan otonomi daerah (Rahmat Sudibyo, 2006:77)

  • This study aims to determine the implementation that has been, is being and will be pursued by an Islamic educational institution in fostering and establishing cooperative relations with the government and the wider community

  • The data of this study were obtained through observation and interviews with a number of resource persons who were directly involved in the process of the pesantren academic community and several related stakeholders

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Konsep Hubungan Masyarakat

Istilah Hubungan Masyarakat (humas) atau Public Relation (PR) pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Thomas Jefferson (Presiden Amerika Serikat) pada tahun 1807 yang dihubungkan dengan Forign Relation. Selama membangun hubungan komunikasi dengan masyarakat, maka pengelola manajemen humas di lembaga pendidikan juga membutuhkan dukungan untuk memahami dan mengembangkan hubungan masyarakat yang bagus (Richard, 1976:343). Sehingga diperlukan adanya keterbukaan sekolah untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan pihak luar sekolah sehingga ada hubungan yang saling berkaitan antara sekolah dengan pemerintah atau masyarakat umum. Menghubungkan sekolah dengan pemerintah atau masyarakat umum dapat dikatakan sebagai usaha kooperatif untuk menjaga dan mengembangkan saluran informasi dua arah yang efisien serta saling pengertian antara sekolah dengan masyarakat (Rohiat, 2009:28). Tujuan diselenggarakanya hubungan masyarakat dan sekolah adalah untuk (1) mengenalkan kepentingan sekolah bagi masyarakat; (2) mendapatkan bantuan moral dan finansial bagi pengembangan sekolah; (3) memberikan informasi tentang inti dan pelaksanaan program sekolah; (4) memperluas program sekolah sesuai dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan masyarakat; (5) mengembangkan kerja sama yang lebih erat antara keluarga dan sekolah dalam mendidik anak-anak (Ngalim Purwanto, 1995:189-190)

Prinsip Humas dalam Manajemen Sekolah
Dapat melakukan programprogram sekolah dengan baik dan lancar
Dan juga sebagaimana Hadits Nabi yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu
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