
Health problems of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), especially hypertension, which is a condition of abnormal blood pressure increase that occurs in the arteries. Referring to the results of Basic Health Research in 2018, Indonesian people who have an age of more than 18 years have a percentage of 34.1% and a percentage of 8.8% were diagnosed with hypertension. Hypertensive disease is a disease that must be handled appropriately and appropriately, the higher the blood pressure of the patient, the higher the risk of being received by the patient. This community service aims to implement preventive and promotive health efforts related to hypertension with mechanisms to increase public knowledge to prevent and control hypertension. This method of community service begins with the Training and Formation of Special Cadres of PTM Posbindu, distribution of Pre-test, counseling, and activities of PTM Posbindu, ending with the distribution of Post-test. With a target of cadres and 33 residents with hypertension. The whole series of community service activities have been carried out. Counseling, training, and the formation of special cadres of PTM Posbindu were successfully implemented, formed, and activated. After community service, there are differences in increasing residents' knowledge about hypertension. At the time of pre-test measurement, 24% of citizens were well informed, increasing when post-test measurements were carried out with results of 70% of citizens with good knowledge. Community service activities are carried out according to the plan agreed upon at MMRW. This community service has succeeded in increasing residents' knowledge about hypertension.

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