
Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is not only a place for wildlife but also a home for Talang Mamak tribe (a local and native tribe lives inside the National Park). Furthermore, to support Talang Mamak, an empowerment is critically needed. Meliponiculture is one form of empowerment activity provided by Thirty Hills National Park. There are many steps to do this empowerment activities, namely, conducting preliminary survey, forming groups for each sub villages, training, giving grant beekeeping equipments, assistance, detailing in marketing, and evaluating. Results showed that in the first year after training, honey production increased 85.5% in the third quarter compare to honey produced in the second quarter. Other groups, such as KTH Batu Berdiri and KTH JelemuBengayuan, also gave similar tendency. These results also revealed that the empowerment activity by doing meliponiculture had given positive contribution for Talang Mamak even though it`s production is still not much. Nevertheless, there are some obstacles when doing this meliponiculture. For instances, sometimes, Talang Mamak people is less focus when facing problems. Other problems are that they cannot determine their market target and there is no maintenance toward the stingless bees’ colonies.


  • Bukit Tiga Puluh merupakan Hutan Lindung Haposipin di wilayah Riau dan Hutan Lindung Singkati Batang Hari di wilayah Jambi, serta Hutan Produksi Terbatas yang telah diubah fungsi dan ditunjuk menjadi sebuah taman nasional pada tahun 1995 dengan SK Menteri Kehutanan No 539/Kpts-II/1995 dan selanjutnya ditetapkan dengan SK Menteri Kehutanan No 6407/Kpts-II/2002 dengan luas 144.223 ha (TNBT, 2017)

  • These results also revealed that the empowerment activity by doing meliponiculture had given positive contribution for Talang Mamak even though its production is still not much

  • A Comparative Characterization of Physicochemical and Antioxidants Properties of Processed Heterotrigona Itama Honey From Different Origins and Classification By Chemometrics Analysis

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1. Lokasi dan waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan Kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat ini dilakukan pada lima kelompok masyarakat suku Talang Mamak yang berada di zona tradisional dan penyangga, yaitu Tualang, Bengayouan, Air Bomban, Nunusan, dan Sadan. 2. Prosedur pelaksanaan Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan, yaitu: 1) Kegiatan pendataan kebutuhan pelatihan lebah madu 2) Kegiatan pelatihan dan pembentukkan Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) 3) Kegiatan pemberian bantuan koloni lebah dan perlengakapan pendukungnya 4) Kegiatan pendampingan 5) Kegiatan pemasaran 6) Kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi. 4. Analisa tingkat keberhasilan Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif terhadap jumlah produksi madu dan estimasi jumlah pendapatan yang diperoleh sehingga akan diperoleh gambaran umum mengenai tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang pada studi ini dilihat dari estimasi perubahan pendapatan (ekonomi) masyarakat sasaran yang dibandingkan dengan jika tidak dilakukannya kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui lebah kelulut

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