
Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) since its launch provides a wide selection of courses and learning modules. Openlearning.com said that more than 4000 MOOC from around the world, making it a very needed to get knowledge in addition to the traditional class or formal education. This is a growing number of MOOC which means that the mass has a passion for studying a variety of subjects’ virtual ways with their own levels and comforts. Although this amount is increasing, there is also concern that not all subjects and skills can be delivered and taught online. Like many language subjects, Basic Statistics and Probability is a challenging course for teaching and learning. This is because certain skills requiring ongoing guidance on how to provide the best teaching. Hence, Basic Statistics and Probability course has been created to provide knowledge and skills to teach fundamental of statistics and probability briefly, convenient, and effectively, according to MOOC’s requirements. This course is unique as its modules are organized for the first time to dominate the basic skills required in statistics and probability, then introduce the relevant tasks, and steps in ensuring the performance of the Basic Statistics and Probability verbally and in writing are effective. Presentation of this course promotes a smooth transition from understanding and using the basic skills to transfer these skills into reading, writing, and speaking about basic statistics and probability. It is hoped that ten (10) modules designed specifically help students to understand Basic Statistics and Probability faster and more effective. Basic Statistics and Probability course have the potential to become important in the teaching material at pre-university and University and to provide Statistics and Probability skills required for university students to implement the academic practice.

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