
This article explains the development of human rights based approach on development in the globe and particularly in Indonesia. Interestingly the author is-before he was The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission Secretary General-Indonesia Vice President Secretary, in that sense, this article also describe Govern• ment policy on human rights based approach on development. Briefly, the author describes each Indonesian President policy, from Soekarno until SBY regarding the Government effort to fulnll human rights. The duet of SBY-JK determines 3 economic development ob;ectives which known as "Triple Tracks": reduce unemployment, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. For 2006, Government policy as included in Government Work Plant Document will be focus on the effort to stabilize and develop several regulations and programs which has broad impact on the respect, protection, and fulnllment of basic rights. Government, according to the author, sees that fulnllment of human rights as a part of poverty eradication, but it also realizes that the fulnllment of human rights is not identical with fulf7ilment of the basic rights of the poor.

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