
The dependence on imports of feed ingredients for ration composer are increasingly expensive and availability of limited and unsustainable local feed, causing the low level of production and reproduction of local Indonesian cattle. This study aims to exploit the potential of plantation waste as an alternative feed of beef cattle, increase the nutrient value and digestibility of waste of palms and leaves and to know the optimal use of inoculums (Trichoderma sp.) through fermentation in improving the digestibility and nutritional value of the feed. The research method used was a complete randomized design (RAL) with five treatments and three replications, with 14 days fermentation. The research treatment includes: PD 0 (without Trichoderma/control), PD 1 (fermentation using Trichoderma viride 3 ml), PD 2 (fermentation using Trichoderma viride 6 ml), PD 3 (fermentation using Trichoderma harzianum 3 ml), PD 4 (fermentation using Trichoderma harzianum 6 ml).O Observation parameters observed included dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash content (AC), coarse fat (CF), organic matter (OM), and total digestible nutrient (TDN). The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis. The results showed that the best treatment was found in PD 1, had a significant effect on control in increasing total digestible nutrient (TDN) 51.62% and crude fiber decline by 39.14%, although an increase in CP (5.34%) was not equal to the treatment of the PD 4 (5.35%). While the best increase of CP content was found in the treatment of PD 4 of 3.35%. While the best CP content found in the treatment of PD 4 of 5.35%. It was concluded that the use of Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma harzianum can improve the quality of waste nutrient and palm oil leaves by fermentation and the optimal inoculums dose used to produce the best fermentation is the use of Trichoderma sp. 3 ml in 3kg of material.


  • The dependence on imports of feed ingredients for ration composer are increasingly expensive and availability of limited and unsustainable local feed, causing the low level of production and reproduction of local Indonesian cattle

  • This study aims to exploit the potential of plantation waste as an alternative feed of beef cattle, increase the nutrient value and digestibility of waste of palms and leaves and to know the optimal use of inoculums (Trichoderma sp.) through fermentation in improving the digestibility and nutritional value of the feed

  • The results showed that the best treatment was found in PD 1, had a significant effect on control in increasing total digestible nutrient (TDN) 51.62% and crude fiber decline by 39.14%, although an increase in crude protein (CP) (5.34%) was not equal to the treatment of the PD 4 (5.35%)

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Waktu dan Tempat

Tempat pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi 1) perkebunan kelapa sawit kelompok tani Harapan Makmur, Desa Karang Taruna Pelaihari, sebagai tempat pengambilan limbah pelepah dan daun kelapa sawit sekaligus mencacah limbah tersebut; 2) Laboratorium Balai Proteksi Tanaman Pangan (BPTP) Banjarmasin, sebagai tempat pembelian Trichoderma viride dan Trichoderma harzianum; 3) Laboratorium Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Fakultas Pertanian ULM, Banjarbaru, sebagai tempat pelaksanaan proses fermentasi selama 14 hari sekaligus menganalisis proksimat sampel yang difermentasi. Bahan yang diperlukan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Limbah pelepah dan daun kelapa sawit yang telah dicacah 2.

Model umum Rancangan Acak
Tahapan Penelitian
Analisis Data
Perlakuan BK
Potensi Khusus
Dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu
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