
ABSTRACT Clinical supervision is a professional guidance given to teachers based on the necessity through systematical cycles and it is an effort to improve teaching skill that can improve professional competence of teachers. This study to see the implementation of clinical supervision to increase the ability of teachers in management online learning in TK Bodhisattva Bandar Lampung using Sahertian’s clinical supervision steps: (1) pre conference, (2) observation, and (3) post conference. This research is a qualitative descriptive method. This subject were one principal and four teachers of TK Bodhisattva Bandar Lampung who worked in the school. Data collection through interviews, observation, and document study. Moderate data collection instruments include teacher performance assessment rubric, interview guides, and questionnaires. The researcher made a narrative, matrix or graphic to facilitate mastery of the information or data. The result of this study is the efforts that can be made by the principal as a supervisor in improving teacher professionalism are in the following ways: (1) class visitation, (2) private conversations, (3) the supervisor provides feedback, (4) sending the teachers to join in a seminar or training, (4) motivating and inspiring teachers in teaching, and (5) supervisor motivates and inspires the teacher, (6) preparing a replacement class because of network problems. Keywords: Clinical supervision, Sahertian’s clinical supervision steps, Supervisor

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