
All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.• Type of peer review: Single-blind • Conference submission management system: Open Conference Systems OCS • Number of submissions received: 218 • Number of submissions sent for review: 218 • Number of submissions accepted: 131 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 60 % • Average number of reviews per paper: 2 • Total number of reviewers involved: 347 • Any additional info on review process: See below: Review Assessment Guidelines Review assessment process: 1. Submission is submitted via online tool OCS: http://conferences.uod.ac/index.php/icrie/ICRIE2020/login/a) Author to choose Topics of Interest/theme (s) of relevance, following: http://conferences.uod.ac/index.php/icrie/ICRIE20202. Track-editor will allocate Submission submitted online to 2 potential reviewers based on topic relevance.3. Submission will be peer reviewed by 2 members registered with ICRIE 2020 via OCS:a) OCS offer reviewers the following option:• Score each Submission using the criteria established by the ICRIE 2020• Provide/Leave a comment to the authors• Provide/Leave a comment for the Track-editor• Advise/Propose a Submission for a recommendation (accept, reject etc….)b) Submission Revisions: an invitation to author/authors to revise would be sent if agreed and requested by the 2 potential reviewers. In that case the authors need to resubmit within a week. The Track-editor to inform the potential reviewers when resubmission has been done via OCS.c) Disagreements: In case of disagreement from the potential reviewers, the Track-editor in liaison with the Director (Coordinator) and the ICRIE 2020 conference Chair will decide.4. Once all submitted Submissions have been finally scored by potential reviewers, the coordinator(director) will develop draft full program with accepted Submissions in liaison with the ICRIE 2020 conference chairs.5. The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee will revise and comment on proposed draft full program.6. Once full program has been agreed the authors are informed of the decision. A call for full papers will start. Criteria for Submissions assessment: 1. Thematic Relevance: Is the Submission relevant to 1 or more of the Conference topics? (Appendix A)2. Presentation: Does the Submission track/follow the agreed guidelines for each type of abstract (Appendix B)?3. Quality of Content: Is the Submission well written and understandable for people not familiar with the field?4. Significance: Is the abstract relevant for its context?5. Originality: Does the Submission brings evidence, approaches or new perspectives on a particular subject/area?Appendix A: ICRIE 2020, Topics of Interest• 1. Structural Engineering.• 2. Manufacturing & Composite Materials Engineering.• 3. Construction Safety & Fire Engineering.• 4. Transportation Engineering & Traffic Planning.• 5. Geotechnical Engineering.• 6. Environmental Engineering.• 7. Engineering Management.• 8. Water Resources Engineering & Hydrology.• 9. Architecture Engineering and Urban Planning & Design.• 10. Electronic & Control Systems Engineering.• 11. Communication & Computer Systems Engineering.• 12. Electrical Power Engineering.• 13. Surveying & Geomatics Engineering.• 14. GIS & Remote Sensing.• 15. Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering.• 16. Power & Applied Mechanics.• 17. Biomedical Engineering. APPENDIX B: submitted Submission 1. General guidelines 1) Each submitted Submissions should be appropriate/relevant to 1 or more of the conference topics2) Every Submissions should contain/include full contact details of all authors3) Each Submission should include a summary that is understandable to the readers who have not read the rest of the paper or do not know the practice and its context.4) The Submission summary should be limited to 200 words.5) The Submission summary should be organized and content key information requested in Section 2 below should be provided.6) Provide/Include 4-6 keywords7) All Submissions should classify/identify a lead presenter for inclusion in the programme2. Structured Summary for Submissions to be submitted 1) An introduction (Background), covering background, problem statement, aims and objectives.2) Methods/Theory3) Results & Discussions4) Conclusions (comprising key outcomes/findings, discussion and lessons learned)5) Highlights (innovation, Impact, outcomes and limitations)• Contact person for queries: Dr. Yaman Al-Kamaki yaman.alkamaki@uod.ac

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