
All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.• Type of peer review: Double-blind• Conference submission management system: All the conference papers were submitted and communication was done via conference mailid (icnadbe2021@gmail.com). The Papers received for the conference were subjected to double-blind peer-review process. Preliminary Review: • At first the✓ manuscript ID was assigned to the received papers, then✓ technical preparation of the paper,✓ language/grammatical errors,✓ formatting and✓ originality using Plagiarism Software’s were checked.• Then the internal publication committee checked the theme/scope of the conference and it has been forwarded to the independent reviewers. Review Process • After the preliminary review, the papers were assigned to the appropriate reviewers.• The review committee comprises both International and National experts, considering their domain or area of interest.• The reviewers assessed the originality of the paper in terms of✓ quality,✓ novelty,✓ subject matter,✓ depth of technical contents and✓ contribution towards sustainable environment.• The decision on the paper was notified to the author(s), as on the following:✓ Accepted as it is,✓ Accepted with minor revisions,✓ Accepted with major revisions, and✓ Rejected.• The reviewers’ comments/suggestions helped the authors for improving the quality of their paper.• The authors were given time to resubmit the revised paper within the given timeline.• The papers were then scrutinized by the internal technical committee for the incorporation of required amendments indicated by the reviewers. With the above process we were able to successfully organize the technical reviewprocess. • Number of submissions received: 102 Papers• Number of submissions sent for review: 92• Number of submissions accepted: 64• Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 63%• Average number of reviews per paper: 3 Reviews• Total number of reviewers involved: 20• Any additional info on review process: - • Contact person for queries: Name : Dr.P.ManimegalaiAffiliation:Associate Professor,Biomedical Engineering DepartmentEmail : manimegalaip@karunya.edu

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