
In this work, a new adhesion model is proposed to analyze the peeling behavior of hyperelastic beams from a rigid flat substrate by utilizing a recently developed finite strain Euler beam model and the concept of adhesion energy. Both the large strain effect and bending effect are taken into account in the model. Hence, the model can be seen as a generalization of the extensible elastica-type adhesion model to the finite strain case, and it can also be taken as a generalization of the hyperelastic membrane-type adhesion model to the hyperelastic beam case. In the modeling process, the variational method is used to derive the equilibrium equation and associated boundary conditions, including one that physically means the local peeling (fracture) criterion. A first integral is found for hyperelastic beams and it is used to derive an equivalent global peeling criterion. Moreover, an analytical formula for the peeling force during steady peeling is also obtained. Furthermore, numerical solution procedures and results are presented to discuss the effects of large strain and bending deformation on the peeling behavior of the hyperelastic beam. The developed model will contribute to the modeling and understanding of the adhesion and fracture behaviors of soft structures and biomimetic adhesives.

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