
Formation and development of pedagogical reflection in the process of professional development of the future teacher of preschool education institutions to the needs of societyto become creative, able to take personal responsibility not only for the results of their professional activities, for their physical, mental and social health, the formation of the life competence of children of preschool age, but also for their professional self-realization and self-training, the personality of the future professional. The solution of this problem allows us to form, disclose and realize the ability of the future teacher of preschool education to forecast, design, implement and analyze their professional and quasi-professional activities. Analysis of the scientific foundation has allowed, in the broadest terms, to characterize reflection as a mirror, research of the cognitive act, a source of special knowledge, when observation is directed to the internal actions of consciousness; as a person’s ability to self-analyze, understanding and rethinking their subject-social relations with the outside world and as a necessary component of the developed human intelligence. Pedagogical reflection in modern studies is understood as self-analysis by a teacher of his professional activity, behavior, personal and professional experience, is considered in the context of intellectual and communicative processes, and therefore, is characterized by a combination of knowledge, action and experience. They are characterized by specific features that allow to reveal certain aspects of the future teacher’s reflective activity, and at the same time are interrelated and interdependent. The article highlighted the criteria and described the levels of formation of pedagogical reflection of future teachers of preschool education institutions (reproductive, analytical, prognostic, philosophical and constructive) and gave them a qualitative characteristic. The article suggests the forms, means and methods of organizing the educational process of the institution of higher education, contributing to the formation and development of the abilities of the future teacher of the preschool education institution for pedagogical reflection.

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