
The article substantiates the relevance of using cloud technologies in higher education and the interest of researchers in the design of distance learning to the possibilities of such use. The article discusses the pedagogical experience of teaching information methods of data processing through the inclusion of cloud technologies (services) in the methodology of the distance teaching of the course “Logic and Statistics” to future pediatricians at medical university in the aggregate of methods for organizing, monitoring and motivating students’ educational and cognitive activities. It’s shown how, starting from the requirements set by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 05.31.02 “Pediatrics” (specialty level) for the results of development (competencies) and the conditions for the implementation of the program, it is possible to include an initiative pedagogical project in the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. The article describes the design of the application of cloud technologies for using programs, services and a Google Drive as a tool for creating a virtual classroom and laboratory for students to collaborate with each other and with the teacher. The goals and means of a pedagogical project based on the use of methods for simulating distance interaction in professional practice are defined. The article describes the algorithm for the work of a teacher and students in the project “Statistical analysis and interpretation of the simulation game “Clinical trial””.

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